[vz-users] VZLogger: Startup failed

Michael Hartmann hartmann-micha at web.de
Sa Apr 30 20:55:51 CEST 2022



heute morgen ist VZlogger bei mir plötzlich ausgestiegen und lässt sich auch
nicht wieder starten. Es wurden keine Änderungen vorgenommen. Das System
lief lange Zeit stabil.


[Apr 30 05:43:27][main] vzlogger v0.8.0 based on heads/master-0-g8d06176360
from Sat, 18 Jan 2020 09:23:08 +0100 started.

[Apr 30 05:43:27][push] Ignoring push entry due to empty array or duplicate

[Apr 30 05:43:27][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal

[Apr 30 05:43:27][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal

[Apr 30 05:43:27][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal

[Apr 30 05:43:27][main] log level is 1

[Apr 30 05:43:28][]     Startup failed: open direction failed


Ich habe versucht VZlogger manuell wieder zu starten und auch einen reboot
des Raspis durchgeführt ohne Erfolg:


[Apr 30 20:48:26][main] vzlogger v0.8.0 based on heads/master-0-g8d06176360
from Sat, 18 Jan 2020 09:23:08 +0100 started.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][push] Ignoring push entry due to empty array or duplicate

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol s0.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Configure channel.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...1ba5b0
api=volkszaehler id=Impulse)

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Creating new meter with protocol s0.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Meter configured, enabled.

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Configure channel.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...422d2a
api=volkszaehler id=Impulse)

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr2] Creating new meter with protocol s0.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   unknown option for mmap (). Falling back to normal

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr2] Meter configured, enabled.

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Configure channel.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn2] New channel initialized (uuid=...558970
api=volkszaehler id=Impulse)

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr3] Creating new meter with protocol exec.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][exec] MeterExec::MeterExec: Parsed format string "$t: $i =
$v" => "%3$lf: %2$ms = %1$lf"

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr3] Meter configured, enabled.

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       New meter initialized (protocol=exec)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Configure channel.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn3] New channel initialized (uuid=...0fd740
api=volkszaehler id=power)

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr4] Creating new meter with protocol exec.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][exec] MeterExec::MeterExec: Parsed format string "$t: $i =
$v" => "%3$lf: %2$ms = %1$lf"

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr4] Meter configured, enabled.

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       New meter initialized (protocol=exec)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Configure channel.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn4] New channel initialized (uuid=...0ba673
api=volkszaehler id=temp)

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr5] Creating new meter with protocol sml.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][sml]  pullseq len:0 found

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr5] Meter configured, enabled.

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Configure channel.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn5] New channel initialized (uuid=...d3ccbe
api=volkszaehler id=1-0:16.7.0)

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Have 6 meters.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][main] log level is 15

[Apr 30 20:48:26][main] daemon=1, local=0

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Daemonize process...

[Apr 30 20:48:26]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log

[Apr 30 20:48:26][push] No pushDataServer defined.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][]     ===> Start meters

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   counter_thread created

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   Counter thread started with blocking hwif

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Meter connection established

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Meter thread started

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Number of readers: 4

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr0] Config.local: 0

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
as daemon: yes

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn0] Logging thread started

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   counter_thread created

[Apr 30 20:48:26][s0]   Counter thread started with blocking hwif

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Meter connection established

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Meter thread started

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Meter is opened. Starting channels.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn1] Logging thread started

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
as daemon: yes

[Apr 30 20:48:26][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Number of readers: 4

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Config.daemon: 1

[Apr 30 20:48:26][mtr1] Config.local: 0

[Apr 30 20:48:26][]     Startup failed: open direction failed


Ich kann selbst bei verbosity = 15 nicht erkennen wo da etwas hängt.


Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?







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