[vz-dev] Volkszaehler installation Doctrine path

Willy Verbiest willy.verbiest at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 23:18:48 CEST 2011

Hi Steffen,

It works...

Thanks for the support, at the end I have some questions.

For the record:
First I have installed the Doctrine files with the command:

root at alix2:~# cd

root at alix2:~# pear channel-discover pear.doctrine-project.org

root at alix2:~# pear remote-list -c doctrine

root at alix2:~# pear install doctrine/DoctrineORM

This will automatically download and install:

DoctrineORM-2.1.1.tgz ...

DoctrineCommon-2.1.1.tgz ...

DoctrineDBAL-2.1.2.tgz ...

DoctrineSymfonyConsole-2.0.6.tgz ...

DoctrineSymfonyYaml-2.0.6.tgz ...

install ok: channel://pear.doctrine-project.org/DoctrineCommon-2.1.1

install ok: channel://pear.doctrine-project.org/DoctrineSymfonyConsole-2.0.6

install ok: channel://pear.doctrine-project.org/DoctrineSymfonyYaml-2.0.6

install ok: channel://pear.doctrine-project.org/DoctrineDBAL-2.1.2

install ok: channel://pear.doctrine-project.org/DoctrineORM-2.1.1

The programs where installed in the following directories:





I have installed jpgraph from http://jpgraph.net/download/

Extracted the file and placed in the directory:


In /root/volkszaehler-volkszaehler.org-323515f/etc

I have copied the file volkszaehler.conf.php.template to

And made the following changes to volkszaehler.conf.php

$config['lib']['doctrine']  = '/usr/share/php/Doctrine';

$config['lib']['jpgraph']   = '/var/www/jpgraph-3.5.0b1';

Executed the volkszaehler-volkszaehler.org-323515f/install.sh script.

Accepting all the defaults.

And let the script inserted the demo data into the database.

Finally in my browser I opened the URL:


And I get a grid on the screen with a dialog box "Kanal hinzufügen"


1. At this time I want to see the demo data but I don't know what to enter
in this dialog box.

I want to fill the database with values from my house counters. I will use 2
counters one for the electricity meter and one for the gas meter.

My computer board must read the 1-wire counters and put the data in the

3. Which tables do I have to fill with values from the meters?

4. What values do I have to insert in the table data?

I know SQL that's not a problem.

Thanks in advance

Willy Verbiest

Wondelgem (Gent)

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