[vz-dev]   [volkszaehler/vzlogger] 66a039: fix format violation

Thorben T. r00t at constancy.org
So Mär 14 16:55:49 CET 2021

somewhat sorry for the spam,
but we now have continous integration for vzlogger again :D

when i clicked "enable gitlab actions" or whatever on the gitlab website,
it created the branch with the new file on the master repo and not my fork,
and i didn't notice until it was too late.

On Sun, 14 Mar 2021 08:57:44 +0100
Daniel Lauckner <vz at jahp.de> wrote:
> am Sonntag, 14. März 2021 um 06:16 hat Patric Privat geschrieben:
> > Please unsubscribe me
> Write an email to the adress of the mailinglist with "unsubscribe" in 
> the subject. 

that isn't really correct either,
it should be sent to the management address.

this is in the headers of every mail:
List-Unsubscribe: <https://demo.volkszaehler.org/mailman/options/volkszaehler-dev>, 
 <mailto:volkszaehler-dev-request at demo.volkszaehler.org?subject=unsubscribe>

amd also in the body of every mail just read below:

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