[vz-users] Middleware mit negativen Werten nach Update
Sebastian Michel
Sebastian_Michel at gmx.de
Thu Dec 26 11:42:02 CET 2013
Es ist in python geschrieben. Hier ein Auszug:
class VzDb(object):
def __init__(self, host, port, user, passwd, name):
self.Host = host
self.Port = port
self.User = user
self.Pass = passwd
self.Name = name
def connect(self):
self.Handle = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.Host, port=self.Port,
user=self.User, passwd=self.Pass, db=self.Name)
def save(self, uuid, value):
cursor = self.Handle.cursor()
query = """SELECT e.id, p.value FROM entities e
LEFT JOIN properties p
ON (e.id = p.entity_id)
WHERE e.uuid = '%s' AND p.pkey = 'title'""" % (uuid)
resp = cursor.execute(query)
if resp != 1:
raise Exception("Multiple channels in database with uuid:
%s" % uuid)
# get channel id and channel title
(channel_id,title,) = cursor.fetchone()
timestamp = int( time.time()*1000 )
query = "INSERT INTO data(channel_id, timestamp, value) VALUES
(%d, %d, %f)" % (channel_id, timestamp, value)
resp = cursor.execute(query)
# print query
if resp == 1:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, "Added value (%.2f) to
database channel: '%s'" % (value, title))
raise Exception("Error adding value to database channel:" %
def close(self):
Viele Grüße
Am 2013-12-26 11:34, schrieb Daniel Lauckner:
> Mahlzeit,
> Am Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013 um 11:11 schrieb Sebastian Michel:
>> Hallo,
>> ich hab folgendes Problem:
> [...]
>> Kann mir jmd weiterhelfen?
> Script vergessen?!
> mfg Daniel
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