[vz-users] private daten in SML telegrammen

Roland privat devzero at web.de
Mo Nov 1 23:31:29 CET 2021


ich leite mal die frage weiter, da mich das auch interessiert und das hier gemäss ml-archiv schrinbar bislang nicht andiskutiert wurde.

wie sehr ihr das? was ist an diesen infos schützenswert bzw was wäre davon (wie) missbrauchsfähig ?


“I would be happy to submit some test data for the Iskra MT681. However I'm very new to this topic and having watched multiple Youtube Videos on this without no exception everyone censored their server id and public key. Therefore I assumed that this data should be private and allows conclusions about my person. But here this data is freely available, what are the public key and server id really for and what could someone do with this data if publicly available?”


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