[vz-dev] Volkszaehler installation: Warning: require_once(Doctrine/ORM/ Configuration.php): failed to open stream

Steffen Vogel info at steffenvogel.de
Tue Sep 13 00:35:38 CEST 2011

Hi Willy,
welcome to volkszaehler.org!

You are looking for the second file:

Probably the include path for your Doctrine library is wrong.
By default we are using PHP standard include path to search for
Doctrine. Thats configured here:

You might want to comment out this line or install Doctrine2 via PEAR
(which installs it in the PHP include path).

How do you get your installation? Via git or tarballs?
Perhaps we should change this default in the configration template.


> If I do a find I get the following results:
> root at alix2:~# find / -name Configuration.php
> /var/www/volkszaehler.org/lib/Util/Configuration.php
> /usr/local/lib/doctrine-orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Configuration.php
> /usr/local/lib/doctrine-orm/lib/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Configuration.php
> /root/volkszaehler/volkszaehler-volkszaehler.org-323515f/lib/Util/Configuration.php
> I'm working on an embedded PC running Debian Squeeze.
> Can you give me a hint how to solve this problem.
> You can write me back in German, no problem.
> Thanks in advance.
> Willy Verbiest
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Steffen Vogel
Robensstraße 69
52070 Aachen

Handy: +49 176 96978528
Mail: info at steffenvogel.de
Web: http://www.steffenvogel.de
Jabber: stv0g at jabber.ccc.de
ICQ: 236033
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