[vz-dev] [volkszaehler/vzlogger] 7fb8fe: Added InfluxDB api (#300)

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Sat Feb 25 08:05:30 CET 2017

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger
  Commit: 7fb8fe39659e3f66f6637f5b748f74cfce461b7d
  Author: Stefan Kuntz <stefan.github at gmail.com>
  Date:   2017-02-25 (Sat, 25 Feb 2017)

  Changed paths:
    A etc/vzlogger.conf.InfluxDB
    A include/api/InfluxDB.hpp
    M src/MeterMap.cpp
    M src/api/CMakeLists.txt
    A src/api/InfluxDB.cpp
    M src/threads.cpp
    M tests/mocks/CMakeLists.txt

  Log Message:
  Added InfluxDB api (#300)

* Influxdb WIP

* InfluxDB api working as null

* somehow working

* fixed SEGFAULT because of CURL response handling

* HTTP basic auth works

* style

* merge latest changes from master

* Implemented suggested improvements

* style

* example config

* fix whitespace

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