[vz-users] Q3C Zähler mit Weidmann Lesekopf

Frank Richter frank.richter83 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 09:44:55 CEST 2017

Moin Knut,

die Option "use_local_time" gehört zum meter, nicht zum channel.


Am 12.10.2017 07:39 schrieb "Knut Auffahrt" <knut.auffahrt at t-online.de>:

> Hallo Frank,
> das mit der Timestamp klingt logisch. Dann wäre der Zähler irden wo im
> Jahr 1974. Dann müsste das durch das MeterSML.cpp richtig rausgefiltert
> werden, das funktioniert scheinbar nicht.
> An den Dateien /etc/rc.local und /etc/vzlogger.conf habe ich nach der
> Anleitung und diversen Foreneinträgen Änderungen durchgeführt.
> Anbei der Inhalt der Dateien und ein Auszug aus der Logdatei. Die Logdatei
> fängt mit einem Neustart des Systems an und dann mit einem Restart des
> vzloggers jede Minute.
> *rc.local*
> #!/bin/sh -e
> #
> # rc.local
> #
> # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
> # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
> # value on error.
> #
> # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
> # bits.
> #
> # By default this script does nothing.
> # Print the IP address
> _IP=$(hostname -I) || true
> if [ "$_IP" ]; then
>   printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"
> fi
> # Part of DS2482 I2C 1-Wire Master to Volkszaehler 'RaspberryPI deamon'.
> #echo ds2482 0x18 > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1/new_device
> # Register I2C RTC bei grosser neuer Erweiterung
> #echo ds1307 0x68 > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1/new_device
> # GPIOs exportieren und Datenrichtung einstellen, 'Schaltausgang_new'
> #echo 24 > /sys/class/gpio/export
> #echo 25 > /sys/class/gpio/export
> #echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/direction
> #echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/direction
> # hwclock -s
> #vzlogger starten
> sudo vzlogger -d
> exit 0
> *vzlogger.conf*
> {
>   "retry": 0,
>   "daemon": true,
>   "verbosity": 15,
>   "log": "/var/log/vzlogger.log",
>   "local": {
>   "enabled": false,
>   "port": 8080,
>   "index": false,
>   "timeout": 0,
>   "buffer": 0
>   },
>   "meters": [
>     {
>       "enabled": true,
>       "allowskip": false,
>       "interval": -1,
>       "aggtime": -1,
>       "aggfixedinterval": false,
>       "channels": [
>         {
>           "uuid": "dfd3c5a0-acf2-11e7-a8fe-3dd93a57cad0",
>           "identifier": "1-1:1.8.0",
>           "api": "volkszaehler",
>           "middleware": "",
>           "type": "device",
>           "aggmode": "none",
>           "duplicates": 0,
>           "use_local_time": true
>         },
>         {
>           "uuid": "5bb63a80-ae48-11e7-8917-1f172e0bb264",
>          "identifier": "1-2:2.8.0",
>           "api": "volkszaehler",
>           "middleware": "",
>           "type": "device",
>           "aggmode": "none",
>           "duplicates": 0,
>           "use_local_time": true
>         }
>      ],
>       "protocol": "sml",
>       "device": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
>       "pullseq": "1B1B1B1B0101010176033030620062
> 007265000001007701010931313331313836320101010163033600760330
> 31620062007265000007007501010101016314CB00760330326200620072
> 6500000200710163756D0000001B1B1B1B1A027241",
>       "baudrate": 9600,
>       "parity": "8n1"
>     }
>   ]
> }
> *Vzlogger.log*
> [Oct 12 07:20:01]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01]       Closing connections to terminate
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][]     Server stopped.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
> [Oct 12 07:20:01]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01]       Closing connections to terminate
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][]     Server stopped.
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
> [Oct 12 07:20:01][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on
> heads/master-0-gddc24a5d5c from Wed, 5 Apr 2017 05:19:12 +0200 started.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][sml]  pullseq len:96 found
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
> [Oct 12 07:20:17]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...57cad0
> api=volkszaehler id=1-1:1.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:20:17]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...0bb264
> api=volkszaehler id=1-2:2.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:20:17]       Have 1 meters.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][main] log level is 15
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][main] daemon=1, local=0
> [Oct 12 07:20:17]       Daemonize process...
> [Oct 12 07:20:17]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][push] No pushDataServer defined.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][]     ===> Start meters
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Meter connection established
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Meter thread started
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn0] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn1] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][]     Startup done.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Config.local: 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn1] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send now.
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:17][chn0] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send now.
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Got 12 new readings from meter:
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=0-0:96.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:0-0:96.8.0*255
> value=1432571690.00 ts=1507785618696
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.0*255
> value=20272310.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-2:2.8.0*255/ObisIdentifier:1-2:2.8.0*255
> value=19486110.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.1*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.1*255
> value=20266560.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.2*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.2*255
> value=1110.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.3*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.3*255
> value=1120.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.4*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.4*255
> value=1130.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.5*255
> value=1130.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-1:1.8.6*255/ObisIdentifier:1-1:1.8.6*255
> value=1260.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-2:2.8.7*255/ObisIdentifier:1-2:2.8.7*255
> value=19484970.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-2:2.8.8*255/ObisIdentifier:1-2:2.8.8*255
> value=1140.00 ts=143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Reading: id=1-0:96.5.5*255/ObisIdentifier:1-0:96.5.5*255
> value=167840.00 ts=1507785618696
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=20272310.00
> ts=143257169000)
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=19486110.00
> ts=143257169000)
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 1
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] compare: 0 143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 143257169000, 20272310 ] ]
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] CURL: Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] CURL:   Trying
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn1] compare: 0 143257169000
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 80
> (#0)
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn1] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 143257169000, 20272310 ] ]' bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30
> bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][mtr0] Got 0 new readings from meter:
> [Oct 12 07:20:18][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] CURL: Server Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) is not
> blacklisted
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] CURL Error from middleware: continue
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 143257169000, 19486110 ] ]
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] Waiting 0 secs for next request due to previous
> failure
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] ==> number of tuples: 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] CURL:   Trying
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 80
> (#1)
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] CURL: Sent '[ [ 143257169000, 19486110 ] ]' bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30
> bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on
> heads/master-0-gddc24a5d5c from Wed, 5 Apr 2017 05:19:12 +0200 started.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][sml]  pullseq len:96 found
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
> [Oct 12 07:20:20]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...57cad0
> api=volkszaehler id=1-1:1.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:20:20]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...0bb264
> api=volkszaehler id=1-2:2.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:20:20]       Have 1 meters.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][main] log level is 15
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][main] daemon=1, local=0
> [Oct 12 07:20:20]       Daemonize process...
> [Oct 12 07:20:20]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][push] No pushDataServer defined.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][]     ===> Start meters
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Meter connection established
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Meter thread started
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][mtr0] Config.local: 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][]     Startup done.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:20:20][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] CURL: HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] CURL: Received 26 bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] CURL: Closing connection 1
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] JSON request body: [ [ 143257169000, 20272310 ] ]
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] emptied all (1) values
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 0
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn1] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send now.
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Hostname was found in DNS cache
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL:   Trying
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Connected to ( port 80
> (#2)
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Sent 30 bytes..
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Sent '[ [ 143257169000, 20272310 ] ]' bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: upload completely sent off: 30 out of 30
> bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Received 26 bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL: Closing connection 2
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200
> [Oct 12 07:20:21][chn0] emptied all (1) values
> [Oct 12 07:21:08]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
> [Oct 12 07:21:08]       Closing connections to terminate
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][]     Server stopped.
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
> [Oct 12 07:21:08][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on
> heads/master-0-gddc24a5d5c from Wed, 5 Apr 2017 05:19:12 +0200 started.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][sml]  pullseq len:96 found
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
> [Oct 12 07:21:09]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...57cad0
> api=volkszaehler id=1-1:1.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:21:09]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...0bb264
> api=volkszaehler id=1-2:2.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:21:09]       Have 1 meters.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][main] log level is 15
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][main] daemon=1, local=0
> [Oct 12 07:21:09]       Daemonize process...
> [Oct 12 07:21:09]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][push] No pushDataServer defined.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][]     ===> Start meters
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Meter connection established
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Meter thread started
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn0] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][mtr0] Config.local: 0
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn1] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][]     Startup done.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:21:09][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       Closing connections to terminate
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][]     Server stopped.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on
> heads/master-0-gddc24a5d5c from Wed, 5 Apr 2017 05:19:12 +0200 started.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][sml]  pullseq len:96 found
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...57cad0
> api=volkszaehler id=1-1:1.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...0bb264
> api=volkszaehler id=1-2:2.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       Have 1 meters.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] log level is 15
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][main] daemon=1, local=0
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       Daemonize process...
> [Oct 12 07:22:02]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][push] No pushDataServer defined.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][]     ===> Start meters
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Meter connection established
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Meter thread started
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn0] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][mtr0] Config.local: 0
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn1] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][]     Startup done.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:22:02][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       Closing connections to terminate
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][]     Server stopped.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on
> heads/master-0-gddc24a5d5c from Wed, 5 Apr 2017 05:19:12 +0200 started.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][sml]  pullseq len:96 found
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...57cad0
> api=volkszaehler id=1-1:1.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...0bb264
> api=volkszaehler id=1-2:2.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       Have 1 meters.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] log level is 15
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][main] daemon=1, local=0
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       Daemonize process...
> [Oct 12 07:23:01]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][push] No pushDataServer defined.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][]     ===> Start meters
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Meter connection established
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Meter thread started
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn0] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn1] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][mtr0] Config.local: 0
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][]     Startup done.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:23:01][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       MapContainer::quit terminating on signal 15.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       Closing connections to terminate
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] MeterMap::cancel entered...
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for readingthread
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] MeterMap::cancel wait for meter::close
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] MeterMap::cancel finished.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] MapContainer::quit finished.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][]     Server stopped.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][]     Trying to delete curlSessionProvider...
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][]     deleted curlSessionProvider
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] vzlogger v0.6.1 based on
> heads/master-0-gddc24a5d5c from Wed, 5 Apr 2017 05:19:12 +0200 started.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol sml.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][sml]  pullseq len:96 found
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       New meter initialized (protocol=sml)
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...57cad0
> api=volkszaehler id=1-1:1.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       Configure channel.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...0bb264
> api=volkszaehler id=1-2:2.8.0)
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       Have 1 meters.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] log level is 15
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][main] daemon=1, local=0
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       Daemonize process...
> [Oct 12 07:24:01]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][push] No pushDataServer defined.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][]     ===> Start meters
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Meter connection established
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Meter thread started
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Number of readers: 32
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn0] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][mtr0] Config.local: 0
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn1] Logging thread started
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][]     Startup done.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][sml]  sending pullsequenz send (len:96 is:96).
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running
> as daemon: yes
> [Oct 12 07:24:01][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.
> *Von:* volkszaehler-users [mailto:volkszaehler-users-
> bounces at demo.volkszaehler.org] *Im Auftrag von *Frank Richter
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2017 23:09
> *An:* volkszaehler.org - users <volkszaehler-users at demo.volkszaehler.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [vz-users] Q3C Zähler mit Weidmann Lesekopf
> Hallo Knut,
> die bei volkszaehler verwendeten Timestamps sind in Millisekunden.
> Ansonsten benötigen wir deine komplette Konfiguration und ein Logfile mit
> hoher verbosity-Einstellung, um helfen zu können.
> Grüße
> Frank
> Am 11.10.2017 22:27 schrieb "Knut Auffahrt" <knut.auffahrt at t-online.de>:
> Guten Tag,
> ich habe das Image des Volkszählers auf ein Raspi installiert. Den Zähler
> Q3C lese ich an der Front über einen Weidmann Kopf aus. Nach ein paar
> Irrwegen kommen jetzt auch Daten in der DB an. Allerdings sind noch zwei
> Punkte, die nicht laufen.
> Der vzlogger kann nur Daten nach einem Neustart des Raspi empfangen. Daten
> senden tut er auch, wenn man den vzlogger nur neu startet. Im Augenblick
> habe ich es so gelöst, das der Raspi alle 10 min neu startet und so die
> Daten abfragt. Dies ist allerdings kein guter Zustand, da auch so die DB
> nicht immer über das Netz erreichbar ist und zudem werden die Daten sehr
> sporadisch erfasst.
> Über das Vorgehen, das Weidmann im Beiblatt beschrieben hat, bekomme ich
> auf jede Leseaufforderung ein Antwort, unabhängig davon, ob der vzlogger
> läuft oder nicht.
> Es sieht so aus, als ob sich ein Dienst, auf den der vzlogger zugreift,
> nach dem ersten lesen hängen bleibt und dann nicht mehr ans laufen kommt.
> Habt ihr eine Idee woran das liegen könnte, ich habe die diversen Foren
> jetzt durch, doch leider noch keine Lösung.
> Das zweite Problem ist die Timestamp des Zählers. Scheinbar liefert der
> Zähler einen Wert der weit in der Zukunft ist (143185238000 – müsste das
> Jahr 6500 sein). Die Timestamp kann natürlich nicht richtig sein.
> Allerdings erkennt das der vzlogger nicht, obwohl der Parameter
> use_local_time auf true steht.
> Ist es möglich auch eine obere Grenze für die Timestamp zu definieren?
> Gruß
> Knut Auffahrt
> Ich habe die Version 0.6.1 aktuell installiert.
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