[vz-users] VZ läuft nach Neuinstallation nicht komplett

Christian Wulff christianwulff at gmx.de
Sa Jul 25 11:07:59 CEST 2020



Ich kriege meinen VZ leider nach Neuinstallation nicht wieder ans Laufen ☹

Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen?


Ich Danke im Voraus und wünsche liebe Grüße,



Aktuell sind nur ein S0 Wasserzähler und 3 Temperatursensoren konfiguriert. 2 Laufen, einer nicht.

Der S0 Zähler zählt nix.


Per direkter Abfrage laufen alle 3 Temperatursensoren einwandfrei:

pi at raspberrypi:~ $ cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573c05eff/w1_slave

ba 02 4b 01 7f ff 0c 10 c8 : crc=c8 YES

ba 02 4b 01 7f ff 0c 10 c8 t=43625

pi at raspberrypi:~ $ cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573bfdbff/w1_slave

2a 01 4b 01 7f ff 0c 10 49 : crc=49 YES

2a 01 4b 01 7f ff 0c 10 49 t=18625

pi at raspberrypi:~ $ cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000007b375c3/w1_slave

61 01 4b 46 7f ff 0f 10 02 : crc=02 YES

61 01 4b 46 7f ff 0f 10 02 t=22062



Hier ist die valide vzlogger.conf:



* vzlogger configuration


* Use properly encoded JSON with javascript comments


* Take a look at the wiki for detailed information:

* http://wiki.volkszaehler.org/software/controller/vzlogger#configuration


* For an online configuration editor refer to:

* http://volkszaehler.github.io/vzlogger/




    // General settings

    "daemon": true,        // run periodically

    "verbosity": 15,         // log verbosity (0=log_alert, 1=log_error, 3=log_warning, 5=log_info, 10=log_debug, 15=log_finest)

    "log": "/var/log/vzlogger.log", // log file, optional

    "retry": 10,            // http retry delay in seconds


    // Build-in HTTP server

    "local": {

        "enabled": true,   // enable local HTTPd for serving live readings

        "port": 8080,       // TCP port for local HTTPd

        "index": true,      // provide index listing of available channels if no UUID was requested

        "timeout": 30,      // timeout for long polling comet requests in seconds (0 disables comet)

        "buffer": 10        // HTTPd buffer configuration for serving readings, default -1

                            //   >0: number of seconds of readings to serve

                            //   <0: number of tuples to server per channel (e.g. -3 will serve 3 tuples)



    // realtime notification settings

    "push": [


                                               "url": ""  // notification destination, e.g. frontend push-server




    // mqtt client support (if ENABLE_MQTT set at cmake generation)

    "mqtt": {

        "enabled": false,  // enable mqtt client. needs host and port as well

        "host": "test.mosquitto.org", // mqtt server addr

        "port": 1883, // 1883 for unencrypted, 8883 enc, 8884 enc cert needed,

        "cafile": "", // optional file with server CA

        "capath": "", // optional path for server CAs. see mosquitto.conf. Specify only cafile or capath

        "certfile": "", // optional file for your client certificate (e.g. client.crt)

        "keyfile": "", // optional path for your client certficate private key (e.g. client.key)

        "keypass": "", // optional password for your private key

        "keepalive": 30, // optional keepalive in seconds.

        "topic": "vzlogger/data", // optional topic dont use $ at start and no / at end

        "user": "", // optional user name for the mqtt server

        "pass": "", // optional password for the mqtt server

        "retain": false, // optional use retain message flag

        "rawAndAgg": false, // optional publish raw values even if agg mode is used

        "qos": 0, // optional quality of service, default is 0

        "timestamp": false // optional whether to include a timestamp in the payload




    // Meter configuration

    "meters": [


            // S0 meter Wasserzähler

            "enabled": true,                // disabled meters will be ignored (default)

            "skip": false,                  // errors when opening meter may be ignored if enabled

                                               "interval": -1,

                                               "aggtime": -1,

            "protocol": "s0",               // meter protocol, see 'vzlogger -h' for full list

            "gpio": 4,

                                               "configureGPIO": true,

                                               "debounce_delay": 0,

            "aggtime": 300,                 // aggregate meter readings and send middleware update after <aggtime> seconds

            "aggfixedinterval": false,       // round timestamps to nearest <aggtime> before sending to middleware

            "channel": {

                "identifier": "Impulse",    // s0 meter knows "Impulse" and "Power"

                "uuid": "0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b",

                                                               "api": "volkszaehler",

                "middleware": "",

                                                               "duplicates": 0,

                "aggmode": "none"            // aggregation mode: aggregate meter readings during <aggtime> interval

                                            //   "SUM": add readings (use for s0 impulses)

                                            //   "MAX": maximum value (use for meters sending absolute readings)

                                            //   "AVG": average value (use for meters sending current usage)




                                               // 1-Wire temp sensors:

            "enabled": true,

            "skip": false,

                                               "interval": 30,    

                                               "aggtime": -1,

                                               "aggfixedinterval": false,

                                               "protocol": "w1therm",

                                               "channels": [


                                                                               "uuid": "60b75820-97d9-11e6-8c9e-ed7c96d54c3f",

                                                                               "identifier": "28-021573c05eff",

                                                                               "api": "volkszaehler",

                                                                               "middleware": "",

                                                                               "aggmode": "none",

                                                                               "duplicates": 0



                                                                               "uuid": "05ce3700-97c7-11e6-acf4-754d9577033c",

                                                                               "identifier": "28-021573bfdbff",

                                                                               "api": "volkszaehler",

                                                                               "middleware": "",

                                                                               "aggmode": "none",

                                                                               "duplicates": 0




                                                                               "uuid": "7a5bd950-97e4-11e6-b969-8fbfb0d412d6",

                                                                               "identifier": "28-000007b375c3",

                                                                               "api": "volkszaehler",

                                                                               "middleware": "",

                                                                               "aggmode": "none",

                                                                               "duplicates": 0














Hier die vzlogger.log:


[Jul 25 10:50:51][main] vzlogger v0.8.0 based on heads/master-0-g8d06176360 from Sat, 18 Jan 2020 09:23:08 +0100 started.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mqtt] MqttClient::MqttClient called

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mqtt] using libmosquitto 1.5.7

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mqtt] ~MqttClient called

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mqtt] mqtt client not configured. stopped.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mtr0] Creating new meter with protocol s0.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mtr0] Meter configured, enabled.

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       New meter initialized (protocol=s0)

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Configure channel.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][chn0] New channel initialized (uuid=...86df2b api=volkszaehler id=Impulse)

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mtr1] Creating new meter with protocol w1therm.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][mtr1] Meter configured, enabled.

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       New meter initialized (protocol=w1therm)

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Configure channel.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][chn1] New channel initialized (uuid=...d54c3f api=volkszaehler id=28-021573c05eff)

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Configure channel.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][chn2] New channel initialized (uuid=...77033c api=volkszaehler id=28-021573bfdbff)

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Configure channel.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][chn3] New channel initialized (uuid=...d412d6 api=volkszaehler id=28-000007b375c3)

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Have 2 meters.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][main] log level is 15

[Jul 25 10:50:51][main] daemon=1, local=1

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Daemonize process...

[Jul 25 10:50:51]       Opened logfile /var/log/vzlogger.log

[Jul 25 10:50:51][push] pushdata_thread created.

[Jul 25 10:50:51][push] Start push_data_thread

[Jul 25 10:50:51][]     ===> Start meters

[Jul 25 10:50:52][s0]   counter_thread created

[Jul 25 10:50:52][s0]   Counter thread started with blocking hwif

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr0] Meter connection established

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr0] Meter thread started

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr0] Meter is opened. Starting channels.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn0] Logging thread started

[Jul 25 10:50:52][w1t]  open found 25 w1 devices

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr1] Meter connection established

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr1] Meter thread started

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr1] Meter is opened. Starting channels.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn1] Logging thread started

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn2] Logging thread started

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn3] Logging thread started

[Jul 25 10:50:52][http] Starting local interface HTTPd on port 8080

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn2] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn2] Using default volkszaehler api.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][]     Startup done.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr1] Number of readers: 400

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr1] Config.daemon: 1

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr1] Config.local: 1

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn0] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn0] Using default volkszaehler api.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn1] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn1] Using default volkszaehler api.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr0] Number of readers: 4

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr0] Config.daemon: 1

[Jul 25 10:50:52][mtr0] Config.local: 1

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn3] Start logging thread for volkszaehler-api. Running as daemon: yes

[Jul 25 10:50:52][chn3] Using default volkszaehler api.

[Jul 25 10:50:52][w1t]  read 20.937000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c14e20ff/w1_slave (t=20937


[Jul 25 10:50:52][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c14e20ff returned 20.937000

[Jul 25 10:50:53][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:53][w1t]  read 23.250000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b5c8acff/w1_slave (t=23250


[Jul 25 10:50:53][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b5c8acff returned 23.250000

[Jul 25 10:50:54][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:54][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c19867ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:50:54][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c19867ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:50:55][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:55][w1t]  read 21.000000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b55792ff/w1_slave (t=21000


[Jul 25 10:50:55][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b55792ff returned 21.000000

[Jul 25 10:50:56][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:56][w1t]  read 23.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b58a6cff/w1_slave (t=23875


[Jul 25 10:50:56][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b58a6cff returned 23.875000

[Jul 25 10:50:56][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:50:57][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:57][w1t]  read 22.812000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416915d81ff/w1_slave (t=22812


[Jul 25 10:50:57][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416915d81ff returned 22.812000

[Jul 25 10:50:58][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:58][w1t]  read 23.562000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0315747783ff/w1_slave (t=23562


[Jul 25 10:50:58][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0315747783ff returned 23.562000

[Jul 25 10:50:59][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:50:59][w1t]  read 29.437000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c19884ff/w1_slave (t=29437


[Jul 25 10:50:59][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c19884ff returned 29.437000

[Jul 25 10:51:00][w1t]  read 29.937000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573c015ff/w1_slave (t=29937


[Jul 25 10:51:00][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573c015ff returned 29.937000

[Jul 25 10:51:00][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:00][w1t]  read 20.750000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b5be3cff/w1_slave (t=20750


[Jul 25 10:51:00][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b5be3cff returned 20.750000

[Jul 25 10:51:01][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:02][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:02][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:02][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b5a343ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:51:02][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b5a343ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:51:03][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:03][w1t]  read 24.187000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000007b1805c/w1_slave (t=24187


[Jul 25 10:51:03][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-000007b1805c returned 24.187000

[Jul 25 10:51:04][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:04][w1t]  read 21.500000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c152a1ff/w1_slave (t=21500


[Jul 25 10:51:04][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c152a1ff returned 21.500000

[Jul 25 10:51:05][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:05][w1t]  read 21.500000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c170adff/w1_slave (t=21500


[Jul 25 10:51:05][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c170adff returned 21.500000

[Jul 25 10:51:06][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:06][w1t]  read 38.062000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573aaeeff/w1_slave (t=38062


[Jul 25 10:51:06][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573aaeeff returned 38.062000

[Jul 25 10:51:06][w1t]  read 43.687000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573c05eff/w1_slave (t=43687


[Jul 25 10:51:06][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573c05eff returned 43.687000

[Jul 25 10:51:07][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:07][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:07][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516b495e8ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:51:07][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0516b495e8ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:51:08][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:08][w1t]  read 22.437000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0215733879ff/w1_slave (t=22437


[Jul 25 10:51:08][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0215733879ff returned 22.437000

[Jul 25 10:51:09][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:09][w1t]  read 23.437000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0115736c5eff/w1_slave (t=23437


[Jul 25 10:51:09][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0115736c5eff returned 23.437000

[Jul 25 10:51:10][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:10][w1t]  read 21.312000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516b4e815ff/w1_slave (t=21312


[Jul 25 10:51:10][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0516b4e815ff returned 21.312000

[Jul 25 10:51:11][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:11][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573bef0ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:51:11][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573bef0ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:51:12][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:12][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:12][w1t]  read 22.000000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000007b375c3/w1_slave (t=22000


[Jul 25 10:51:12][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-000007b375c3 returned 22.000000

[Jul 25 10:51:24][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:24][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:25][w1t]  read 21.812000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516905521ff/w1_slave (t=21812


[Jul 25 10:51:25][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0516905521ff returned 21.812000

[Jul 25 10:51:25][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:26][w1t]  read 29.375000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0215733893ff/w1_slave (t=29375


[Jul 25 10:51:26][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0215733893ff returned 29.375000

[Jul 25 10:51:26][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:27][w1t]  read 23.750000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b583a6ff/w1_slave (t=23750


[Jul 25 10:51:27][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b583a6ff returned 23.750000

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Got 25 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c14e20ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.94 ts=1595667052958

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b5c8acff/StringIdentifier: value=23.25 ts=1595667053837

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c19867ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667054732

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b55792ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.00 ts=1595667055595

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b58a6cff/StringIdentifier: value=23.88 ts=1595667056492

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416915d81ff/StringIdentifier: value=22.81 ts=1595667057372

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0315747783ff/StringIdentifier: value=23.56 ts=1595667058252

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c19884ff/StringIdentifier: value=29.44 ts=1595667059115

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573c015ff/StringIdentifier: value=29.94 ts=1595667060002

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b5be3cff/StringIdentifier: value=20.75 ts=1595667060905

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b5a343ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667062235

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-000007b1805c/StringIdentifier: value=24.19 ts=1595667063337

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c152a1ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.50 ts=1595667064252

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c170adff/StringIdentifier: value=21.50 ts=1595667065132

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573aaeeff/StringIdentifier: value=38.06 ts=1595667066012

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573c05eff/StringIdentifier: value=43.69 ts=1595667066892

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0516b495e8ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667067774

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0215733879ff/StringIdentifier: value=22.44 ts=1595667068651

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0115736c5eff/StringIdentifier: value=23.44 ts=1595667069532

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0516b4e815ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.31 ts=1595667070469

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573bef0ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667071355

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-000007b375c3/StringIdentifier: value=22.00 ts=1595667072228

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0516905521ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.81 ts=1595667085081

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0215733893ff/StringIdentifier: value=29.38 ts=1595667086103

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b583a6ff/StringIdentifier: value=23.75 ts=1595667087039

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=43.69 ts=1595667066892)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] added to uuid 60b75820-97d9-11e6-8c9e-ed7c96d54c3f

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "60b75820-97d9-11e6-8c9e-ed7c96d54c3f", "tuples": [ [ 1595667066892, 43.686999999999998 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=22.00 ts=1595667072228)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] added to uuid 7a5bd950-97e4-11e6-b969-8fbfb0d412d6

[Jul 25 10:51:27][mtr1] Next reading in 30 seconds

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn2] ==> number of tuples: 0

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn2] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send now.

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] compare: 0 1595667072228

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] JSON request body: [ [ 1595667072228, 22 ] ]

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL:   Trying

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: TCP_NODELAY set

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Connected to ( port 80 (#0)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Sent 25 bytes.. 

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1595667072228, 22 ] ]' bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: upload completely sent off: 25 out of 25 bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] compare: 0 1595667066892

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Received 26 bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL: Connection #0 to host left intact

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn3] emptied all (1) values

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1595667066892, 43.686999999999998 ] ]

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Found bundle for host 0x7170bec0 [can pipeline]

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 80 (#0)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Sent 41 bytes.. 

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1595667066892, 43.686999999999998 ] ]' bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Received 26 bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL: Connection #0 to host left intact

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:51:27][chn1] emptied all (1) values

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "7a5bd950-97e4-11e6-b969-8fbfb0d412d6", "tuples": [ [ 1595667072228, 22 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:51:27][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:51:27][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:28][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:29][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:30][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:31][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:32][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:32][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:33][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:34][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:35][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:36][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:37][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:37][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:38][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:39][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:40][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:41][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:42][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:42][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:43][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:44][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:45][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:46][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:47][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:47][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:48][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:49][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:50][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:51][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:52][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:51:52][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:53][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:54][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 1

[Jul 25 10:51:55][s0]   Reading S0 - returning 1 readings (n=1 n_neg = 0)

[Jul 25 10:51:55][mtr0] Got 1 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:51:55][mtr0] Reading: id=Impulse/StringIdentifier: value=1.00 ts=1595667114726

[Jul 25 10:51:55][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1.00 ts=1595667114726)

[Jul 25 10:51:55][push] added to uuid 0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b

[Jul 25 10:51:55][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b", "tuples": [ [ 1595667114726, 1 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:51:55][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:51:55][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:51:55][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:56][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:57][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 1

[Jul 25 10:51:57][w1t]  read 20.937000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c14e20ff/w1_slave (t=20937


[Jul 25 10:51:57][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c14e20ff returned 20.937000

[Jul 25 10:51:58][s0]   Reading S0 - returning 2 readings (n=1 n_neg = 0)

[Jul 25 10:51:58][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:51:58][mtr0] Reading: id=Power/StringIdentifier: value=1319.16 ts=1595667117455

[Jul 25 10:51:58][mtr0] Reading: id=Impulse/StringIdentifier: value=1.00 ts=1595667117455

[Jul 25 10:51:58][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1.00 ts=1595667117455)

[Jul 25 10:51:58][push] added to uuid 0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b

[Jul 25 10:51:58][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b", "tuples": [ [ 1595667117455, 1 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:51:58][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:51:58][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:51:58][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:51:58][w1t]  read 23.187000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b5c8acff/w1_slave (t=23187


[Jul 25 10:51:58][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b5c8acff returned 23.187000

[Jul 25 10:51:59][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:00][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c19867ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:52:00][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c19867ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:52:00][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:00][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 1

[Jul 25 10:52:01][s0]   Reading S0 - returning 2 readings (n=1 n_neg = 0)

[Jul 25 10:52:01][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:52:01][mtr0] Reading: id=Power/StringIdentifier: value=1077.84 ts=1595667120795

[Jul 25 10:52:01][mtr0] Reading: id=Impulse/StringIdentifier: value=1.00 ts=1595667120795

[Jul 25 10:52:01][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1.00 ts=1595667120795)

[Jul 25 10:52:01][push] added to uuid 0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b

[Jul 25 10:52:01][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b", "tuples": [ [ 1595667120795, 1 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:52:01][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:01][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:52:01][w1t]  read 20.937000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b55792ff/w1_slave (t=20937


[Jul 25 10:52:01][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b55792ff returned 20.937000

[Jul 25 10:52:01][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:02][w1t]  read 23.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b58a6cff/w1_slave (t=23875


[Jul 25 10:52:02][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b58a6cff returned 23.875000

[Jul 25 10:52:02][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:02][w1t]  read 22.812000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416915d81ff/w1_slave (t=22812


[Jul 25 10:52:02][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416915d81ff returned 22.812000

[Jul 25 10:52:03][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:03][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 1

[Jul 25 10:52:04][s0]   Reading S0 - returning 2 readings (n=1 n_neg = 0)

[Jul 25 10:52:04][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:52:04][mtr0] Reading: id=Power/StringIdentifier: value=1160.54 ts=1595667123897

[Jul 25 10:52:04][mtr0] Reading: id=Impulse/StringIdentifier: value=1.00 ts=1595667123897

[Jul 25 10:52:04][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1.00 ts=1595667123897)

[Jul 25 10:52:04][push] added to uuid 0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b

[Jul 25 10:52:04][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b", "tuples": [ [ 1595667123897, 1 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:52:04][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:04][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:52:04][w1t]  read 23.562000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0315747783ff/w1_slave (t=23562


[Jul 25 10:52:04][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0315747783ff returned 23.562000

[Jul 25 10:52:04][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:05][w1t]  read 29.312000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c19884ff/w1_slave (t=29312


[Jul 25 10:52:05][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c19884ff returned 29.312000

[Jul 25 10:52:05][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:06][w1t]  read 29.937000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573c015ff/w1_slave (t=29937


[Jul 25 10:52:06][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573c015ff returned 29.937000

[Jul 25 10:52:06][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 1

[Jul 25 10:52:07][s0]   Reading S0 - returning 2 readings (n=1 n_neg = 0)

[Jul 25 10:52:07][mtr0] Got 2 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:52:07][mtr0] Reading: id=Power/StringIdentifier: value=1238.39 ts=1595667126804

[Jul 25 10:52:07][mtr0] Reading: id=Impulse/StringIdentifier: value=1.00 ts=1595667126804

[Jul 25 10:52:07][chn0] Adding reading to queue (value=1.00 ts=1595667126804)

[Jul 25 10:52:07][push] added to uuid 0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b

[Jul 25 10:52:07][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "0f45a600-97c8-11e6-a98b-f94fff86df2b", "tuples": [ [ 1595667126804, 1 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:52:07][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:07][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:52:07][w1t]  read 20.750000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b5be3cff/w1_slave (t=20750


[Jul 25 10:52:07][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b5be3cff returned 20.750000

[Jul 25 10:52:07][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:08][w1t]  read 20.937000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b5a343ff/w1_slave (t=20937


[Jul 25 10:52:08][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b5a343ff returned 20.937000

[Jul 25 10:52:08][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:08][w1t]  read 24.187000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000007b1805c/w1_slave (t=24187


[Jul 25 10:52:08][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-000007b1805c returned 24.187000

[Jul 25 10:52:09][w1t]  read 21.500000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c152a1ff/w1_slave (t=21500


[Jul 25 10:52:09][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c152a1ff returned 21.500000

[Jul 25 10:52:09][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:10][w1t]  read 21.500000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0416c170adff/w1_slave (t=21500


[Jul 25 10:52:10][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0416c170adff returned 21.500000

[Jul 25 10:52:10][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:11][w1t]  read 38.062000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573aaeeff/w1_slave (t=38062


[Jul 25 10:52:11][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573aaeeff returned 38.062000

[Jul 25 10:52:11][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:12][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:52:12][w1t]  read 43.687000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573c05eff/w1_slave (t=43687


[Jul 25 10:52:12][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573c05eff returned 43.687000

[Jul 25 10:52:12][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:13][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516b495e8ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:52:13][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0516b495e8ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:52:13][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:14][w1t]  read 22.437000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0215733879ff/w1_slave (t=22437


[Jul 25 10:52:14][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0215733879ff returned 22.437000

[Jul 25 10:52:14][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:15][w1t]  read 23.437000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0115736c5eff/w1_slave (t=23437


[Jul 25 10:52:15][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0115736c5eff returned 23.437000

[Jul 25 10:52:15][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:16][w1t]  read 21.312000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516b4e815ff/w1_slave (t=21312


[Jul 25 10:52:16][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0516b4e815ff returned 21.312000

[Jul 25 10:52:16][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:17][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:52:17][w1t]  read 20.875000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-021573bef0ff/w1_slave (t=20875


[Jul 25 10:52:17][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-021573bef0ff returned 20.875000

[Jul 25 10:52:17][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:18][w1t]  read 22.000000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000007b375c3/w1_slave (t=22000


[Jul 25 10:52:18][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-000007b375c3 returned 22.000000

[Jul 25 10:52:18][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:19][w1t]  read 21.812000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516905521ff/w1_slave (t=21812


[Jul 25 10:52:19][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0516905521ff returned 21.812000

[Jul 25 10:52:19][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:20][w1t]  read 29.312000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0215733893ff/w1_slave (t=29312


[Jul 25 10:52:20][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0215733893ff returned 29.312000

[Jul 25 10:52:20][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:21][w1t]  read 23.750000 from /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316b583a6ff/w1_slave (t=23750


[Jul 25 10:52:21][w1t]  reading w1 device 28-0316b583a6ff returned 23.750000

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Got 25 new readings from meter:

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c14e20ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.94 ts=1595667117961

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b5c8acff/StringIdentifier: value=23.19 ts=1595667118838

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c19867ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667120239

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b55792ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.94 ts=1595667121238

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b58a6cff/StringIdentifier: value=23.88 ts=1595667122118

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416915d81ff/StringIdentifier: value=22.81 ts=1595667122998

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0315747783ff/StringIdentifier: value=23.56 ts=1595667124123

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c19884ff/StringIdentifier: value=29.31 ts=1595667125006

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573c015ff/StringIdentifier: value=29.94 ts=1595667126198

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b5be3cff/StringIdentifier: value=20.75 ts=1595667127119

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b5a343ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.94 ts=1595667128038

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-000007b1805c/StringIdentifier: value=24.19 ts=1595667128918

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c152a1ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.50 ts=1595667129798

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0416c170adff/StringIdentifier: value=21.50 ts=1595667130678

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573aaeeff/StringIdentifier: value=38.06 ts=1595667131640

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573c05eff/StringIdentifier: value=43.69 ts=1595667132678

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0516b495e8ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667133638

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0215733879ff/StringIdentifier: value=22.44 ts=1595667134518

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0115736c5eff/StringIdentifier: value=23.44 ts=1595667135398

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0516b4e815ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.31 ts=1595667136318

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-021573bef0ff/StringIdentifier: value=20.88 ts=1595667137572

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-000007b375c3/StringIdentifier: value=22.00 ts=1595667138431

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0516905521ff/StringIdentifier: value=21.81 ts=1595667139318

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0215733893ff/StringIdentifier: value=29.31 ts=1595667140198

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Reading: id=28-0316b583a6ff/StringIdentifier: value=23.75 ts=1595667141078

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] Adding reading to queue (value=43.69 ts=1595667132678)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] added to uuid 60b75820-97d9-11e6-8c9e-ed7c96d54c3f

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "60b75820-97d9-11e6-8c9e-ed7c96d54c3f", "tuples": [ [ 1595667132678, 43.686999999999998 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] Adding reading to queue (value=22.00 ts=1595667138431)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] added to uuid 7a5bd950-97e4-11e6-b969-8fbfb0d412d6

[Jul 25 10:52:21][mtr1] Next reading in 30 seconds

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn2] ==> number of tuples: 0

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn2] JSON request body is null. Nothing to send now.

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] compare: 1595667066892 1595667132678

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] JSON request body: [ [ 1595667132678, 43.686999999999998 ] ]

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Found bundle for host 0x7170bec0 [can pipeline]

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Connected to ( port 80 (#0)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Sent 41 bytes.. 

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1595667132678, 43.686999999999998 ] ]' bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: upload completely sent off: 41 out of 41 bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] ==> number of tuples: 1

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] compare: 1595667072228 1595667138431

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] copied 1/1 values for middleware transmission

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] push: { "data": [ { "uuid": "7a5bd950-97e4-11e6-b969-8fbfb0d412d6", "tuples": [ [ 1595667138431, 22 ] ] } ] }

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] CURL Request to succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:21][push] send ok to url

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Received 26 bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL: Connection #0 to host left intact

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn1] emptied all (1) values

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] JSON request body: [ [ 1595667138431, 22 ] ]

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Expire in 30000 ms for 8 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Found bundle for host 0x7170bec0 [can pipeline]

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Could pipeline, but not asked to!

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Connected to ( port 80 (#0)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x71700c90)

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Sent 25 bytes.. 

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Sent '[ [ 1595667138431, 22 ] ]' bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: upload completely sent off: 25 out of 25 bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Received 26 bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Received '{"version":"0.3","rows":1}' bytes

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL: Connection #0 to host left intact

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] CURL Request succeeded with code: 200

[Jul 25 10:52:21][chn3] emptied all (1) values

[Jul 25 10:52:21][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:22][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:23][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:24][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:25][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:26][push] waitAndSendOnceToAll empty dataMap (timeout?)

[Jul 25 10:52:26][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:27][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

[Jul 25 10:52:28][S0]   MeterS0:HWIF_GPIO:first poll returned 0

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