[vz-dev] temperature sensor - continued (where does the id come from?)

Tobias Paepke tobias.paepke at paepke.net
Wed Dec 29 23:19:33 CET 2010

On 28.12.2010 23:20, Justin Otherguy wrote:
> Hi,
> we've been discussing the question "where would the temp. sensor get its uuid from?" recently.
> If I understood that correctly, the 1-wire sensors already have unique identifiers with a length of 64 bit; why don't we use that id as part of the uuid for the sensor? We could, e.g., add a menu entry in ethersex that allows to set the remaining 16 bytes that would serve as a board-specific prefix to that id.
> So, there would only be one "uuid prefix" have to be set for every controller. The remaining bits would be those of the sensor.
There should be the same process in place to request a uuid for possible sensors, which don't support a uuid. There are a lot of devices out there which don't give you informations of their id's.



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