[vz-dev] Release builds debian packages

Thorben Thuermer r00t at constancy.org
Di Jan 31 23:40:40 CET 2023


thanks again for your work towards debian packaging.
i am afraid that your questions are too specific for any of us to answer.

it seems great that we can do the building on github's ci services,
note that this was already discussed in
https://github.com/volkszaehler/vzlogger/pull/478 .

1. it should be possible to combine the approach from #478 with
   the "hub" command (never heard of that, would have to read docs)?
2. i'm not sure i understand, can you elaborate?
   you need to extract the release info metadata from github, in
   addition to the code from git?
   i would guess that releases simply have corresponding git tags,
   otherwise there should be an API to retrieve data from github.
3. by "repository" you are refering to a debian package repository,
   which would be some storage space accessible publicly by http
   and with write access via some protocol?
   if there's no service that can be used for that, maybe justin can
   set something up on the infrastructure that already hosts
   demo.volkszaehler.org and this mailing list.

- T.

On Sun, 29 Jan 2023 19:51:39 +0100
Joachim Zobel <jz-volkszaehler at heute-morgen.de> wrote:
> I am currently working on a relese workflow that builds debian
> packages. See
> https://github.com/narc-Ontakac2/libsml/releases/tag/v1.0.1 for the
> current state. The interesting thing I learned about doing that is the
> hub command, see
> https://github.com/narc-Ontakac2/libsml/blob/v1.0.1/.github/workflows/debuild.yml.
> There are several things that are currently missing:
> 1. Building debian packages for the relevant architectures (currently
> I am actually building ubuntu amd64 packages).
> 2. Locking the v-tag after the release.
> 3. Uploading the release to a private repo.
> 1. will be done.
> 2. is difficult, but I'll find a solution.
> 3. would of course require a repo. I could set one up, question is
> where to do that. Volkszaehler.org seems to be running a server, if
> that is not an option I am running one, too. What do you think?
> Sincerely,
> Joachim

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